Title: Fiio Olympus e10 USD DAC $9,500 Post by: Initial D on April 15, 2014, 10:58:19 AM One of Fiio's portable USB DAC I purchased it about a month ago to use with some studio monitors but decided to use a different audio setup so I'm letting it go, its good for professional uses or high end audio needs can serve as an audio interface for computer to Powered Speakers, Passive Speakers, Headphones etc.... especially if you want better sound quality than your onboard sound on your rig or what your laptop has to offer.
USB Input (connects to your device via USB) 3.5 Stereo Jack for Headphones supports headphones up to 100 Imp 3.5 Line OUt Coaxial Out $9,500 Firm (http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx141/secbeth1/e10FrontView_zps6b0ee28f.jpg) (http://s750.photobucket.com/user/secbeth1/media/e10FrontView_zps6b0ee28f.jpg.html) (http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx141/secbeth1/e10BackView_zps21e02d7d.jpg) (http://s750.photobucket.com/user/secbeth1/media/e10BackView_zps21e02d7d.jpg.html) (http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx141/secbeth1/_MG_2088_zps11686310.jpg) (http://s750.photobucket.com/user/secbeth1/media/_MG_2088_zps11686310.jpg.html) (http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx141/secbeth1/_MG_2087_zps41e861dd.jpg) (http://s750.photobucket.com/user/secbeth1/media/_MG_2087_zps41e861dd.jpg.html) Title: Re: Fiio Olympus e10 USD DAC $9,500 Post by: Initial D on September 02, 2014, 08:42:35 AM :Bump: :Bump: