Title: Klip Xtreme kes-390 2.1 subwoofer audio sysytem Post by: slyguy on March 26, 2014, 08:13:28 PM i have a flawless condition klip xtreme ks-390 2.1 speaker system with subwoofer, this thing is so powerful its amazing, comes in box with all contents of packaging 9k
KlipX Stereo speaker 2.1 KES-390 48W remote control 110/220V Klip Xtreme United States (http://www.klipxtreme.com/us/klipx-stereo-speaker-2-1-kes-390-48w-remote-control-110-220v) contact 861-2033 :sold: [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Klip Xtreme kes-390 2.1 subwoofer audio sysytem Post by: slyguy on March 28, 2014, 02:40:17 AM :Bump: