Title: Dell D630 25k r Trade For A BB!!! Post by: flamezgb2 on June 14, 2011, 09:59:13 PM As topic states got one of these selling also willing to trade for a fairly used BB, wouldnt mind a 9780 *N.B*Will Add Cash If Necessary B)
2gb memory 250gb hard drive 2.0 mhz core 2 duo processor fingerprint reader bluetooth nvidia chipset reason for sale,,,NEED CASH/BLACKBERRY!!!! sturdy system,,,,pm if interested or call 5726399 price 25k Title: Re: Dell D630 Post by: sylvan on June 15, 2011, 07:47:11 AM u wah sell it for 20???
Title: Re: Dell D630 30k r Trade For A BB!!! Post by: sheldon on August 04, 2011, 12:20:28 AM Trade you for a bb bold 9000 excelent condition, and a curve 8320 also i n good condition. two phones for tha laptop
Tel: 267-1231 PIN:215AA38 Title: Re: Dell D630 25k r Trade For A BB!!! Post by: flamezgb2 on August 29, 2011, 08:36:51 PM :Bump: