Title: List of corolla (flatty) parts cheap cheap Post by: kaymal on March 14, 2014, 07:43:30 AM As stated 88 flatty for scrap parts available & negotiable cheap accept all reasonable offers
4a engine (carborator) 20k complete :sold: Transmission :sold: 2 front doors (power) no door cover 10k each 2back doors right slightly damaged (manual) no door cover 6 & 4k each 2 front hubs 2.5k each 2 calipers n disc rotor 3k per set 2back drum with cable 3k each 2 finders (left side slight damaged) 1 & 2k each Trunk back with garnish 3k front bumper 5k :sold: back bumper 2.5k radiator 6k rack & pillion 14k brak booster 4k brake cylinder 3k cross member n sub-frame 5k :sold: stripped nose cut stripped 6k (can be sold with bumper radiator grill a/c condenser) 15k :sold: 2 front shocks 4k each 2control harms 2k each 2 back shocks 4k each back wind screen 7k Wiper regulator 5k wiper harms pair 1.5k wiper motor 1.5k 2 back lights (right side damaged) 1& 2k 2 front seats 2k each back seat 2k Ect. Tel 570 2177 Title: Re: List of corolla (flatty) parts cheap cheap Post by: kaymal on March 15, 2014, 11:06:15 AM :Bump:]
Title: Re: List of corolla (flatty) parts cheap cheap Post by: Ripporeid on March 18, 2014, 11:19:15 PM real link peeps... check it out.. :Bump:
Title: Re: List of corolla (flatty) parts cheap cheap Post by: kaymal on March 22, 2014, 11:52:57 PM :Bump:
Title: Re: List of corolla (flatty) parts cheap cheap Post by: Jahrain on April 20, 2014, 03:11:43 PM Have any headlamp