Title: LF: 1993-1994 HB Civic / Teggz---->READY!!! Post by: breezy on March 10, 2014, 02:28:22 PM As the topic states;
I am currently seeking to purchase a 1993-1994 EG Hatch or DC2 Teggz :H: Have no more than $315 to spend...had to scrape to get there too :'( Shout me.... 350-5116 / 564-1463 Michael. Title: Re: LF: 1993-1994 HB Civic / Teggz---->READY!!! Post by: breezy on March 12, 2014, 05:13:24 PM :H: :H: :H:
Title: Re: LF: 1993-1994 HB Civic / Teggz---->READY!!! Post by: gangstaj on March 12, 2014, 06:31:50 PM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moHMtKLoHAY