Title: Dell Inspiron 6400 Post by: everlast on June 11, 2011, 10:56:44 AM Used Dell Inspiron 6400
17'inch Display / 2GB Memory / 250GB Hard Drive / Windows 7 / All Manuals. Comes with laptop bag. Asking For 25k(Neg). Contact info: kadeemdmix@gmail.com Title: Re: Dell Inspiron 6400 Post by: cleyamoy on June 17, 2011, 03:07:35 PM very interested about This laptop but just a few things :cof:
1. show the exact picture not the one from the website need to see it in up and running 2. any battery problems 3. any charger issues 4. any damages to case cracks Etc....... 5. has any wont ever open it ? :wait: Title: Re: Dell Inspiron 6400 Post by: everlast on June 18, 2011, 12:32:42 AM can i get a email to sen pics to...no problem with it