Title: Rent cars at affordable price Post by: Jennybrown on February 19, 2014, 05:25:05 PM Leading car rental company
Jamaica Car Rental Companies: A List of The Best Car Rentals In Jamaica (http://adf.ly/doxWw) We ensure our customers are satisfied Before you begin to think about renting a car in Jamaica, there are certain criteria that you must meet. You must be between the ages of 23 to 75 years old. Some companies will go as low as the age of 21 but at an additional charge. Have your license for at least one (1) year. The number of years may vary up to three (3) years. You don’t need an international license in Jamaica. A valid credit card such as Master Card or Visa. The expiration date should be anytime after the drop off date of the rental car. You must rent the car for at least 24 hours. A coverage charge that is used for insurance against damages and theft. Jamaica Car Rental Companies: A List of The Best Car Rentals In Jamaica (http://adf.ly/doxWw) |