Title: 2009 Mitsubishi Fortis Sport Back for Sale..J$1.6M Pics Post by: Gville on February 13, 2014, 03:21:50 PM :sold: Good job guys...soon linkup with another ride.... :Bump: :th:
As topic says its a 2009 car, very solid RHD, one female owner the car is like new, fully powered paddle shift :Bump: mileage about 33k...she don't really drive Need to go now to sort out some other business very clean and solid car, if you find any problem with it...EVEN ONE PROBLEM as small as a bulb or anything at all I will take off J$70k off the price and you can still negotiate. Link up for the sale or refer someone for a commission Tel. or whatsapp- 793- 6428 [attachment deleted by admin] |