Title: F.S: Fresh D16ZC Vtech Turbo Engine NOW 100k Post by: Addibritish on February 10, 2014, 08:54:00 AM As topic states engine is freshly built selling as whole just drop in and go get a chip computer (neptune, chrome, EcTune whatever). No previous damage to motor I simply swapped pistons and rods, new bearings (standard), clean and lock it back up. 20psi on this 350+ easy, no problems.
Papers ready (fitness copy), street legal no hanky panky. I give you a sale agreement witnessed by a jp you carry it go depot with the fitness and transfer thats it. You get: D16 Vtech Stock Head/Cams Eagle forged rods with Vitara pistons (if u need convincing I will pull the crank case it will be clear but locking it back up is your problem I not doing it) Bullhorn T3 Turbo Manifold T3/T4 Turbo Price: 100k Call or whatsapp: 312-8110 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: F.S: Fresh D16ZC Vtech Turbo Engine NOW 100k Post by: Addibritish on March 31, 2014, 10:13:10 AM :Bump: