ShopinJA Classifieds

$ ShopinJA Electronics $ => New Cellular Telephones => Topic started by: mykel on May 28, 2011, 12:20:22 PM

Title: SE w890... BNIB...$8,500
Post by: mykel on May 28, 2011, 12:20:22 PM

Sony Ericsson W890 - Full phone specifications (

brand new in box with all accessories...
u will be removing the sticker to open the box

ADD $1,500 and u get it unlocked to any network

$8,500 - locked to Claro

$10,000 - unlocked to DIGICEL/LIME/CLARO

again phone is brand new...on the other hand if u want the phone unlock it will be removed from box to get unlocked

PM or 495 3129

Title: Re: SE w890... BNIB...$8500
Post by: Skp43r on May 28, 2011, 09:26:33 PM
can u deliver?

Title: Re: SE w890... BNIB...$8500
Post by: mykel on May 28, 2011, 09:38:49 PM
not a thing of mine...i prefer u forward for it at my work place or on my enz

if u live far (out of KGN/Pmore)...i use TARA courier in which u send me the funds and i send the phone

i consider myself honest...u can check around on jus protecting myself, plus if it was a store u would have to go there to get it.

Title: Re: SE w890... BNIB...$8500
Post by: Skp43r on June 07, 2011, 10:45:21 PM
not a thing of mine...i prefer u forward for it at my work place or on my enz

if u live far (out of KGN/Pmore)...i use TARA courier in which u send me the funds and i send the phone

i consider myself honest...u can check around on jus protecting myself, plus if it was a store u would have to go there to get it.
i understand ur motives and mi nah seh u dishonest just for the convenience for me

true about the store but the point of the matter is that this is not a store is a website so yeh u get what im saying

also is a sure sale no robbery just seh i have a business to run myself and i cant exactly lock it and sort out my stuff unless i want to loose my job, and am usually busy on a sunday sorting out family issues 

Title: Re: SE w890... BNIB...$8,500
Post by: mykel on June 16, 2011, 08:59:23 PM
still available ppl

 :gt: :gt: :gt: