Title: Supercharger, sport spoiler, intercooler, computers ect Post by: eladseklof on January 18, 2014, 03:30:51 PM Garage Sale. I have a 3sge turbo water inter cooler with electrical pump and reservoir tank,super charger entire conversion kit ,inter coolers wire loom,3sge ,3sgte, turbo charge computer and many other engine control.Just call me and let's talk what ever you want just link me and I'll hook you up if I have it. These parts are going very reasonable I am cleaning up my garage and I need to get ride of some of the stuff. I also have a 3sgte turbo charge Engine just link meJust link me on 4939549.
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Supercharger, sport spoiler, intercooler, computers ect Post by: SullyGTR on January 25, 2014, 11:01:03 PM is everything here for a 3s engine? have anything for a 4agze?
Title: Re: Supercharger, sport spoiler, intercooler, computers ect Post by: skytechja on April 23, 2014, 10:02:57 AM can these bolt up to a 1g-fe with slight mods ?
Title: Re: Supercharger, sport spoiler, intercooler, computers ect Post by: Kynjx on June 12, 2014, 10:33:19 AM mi hav a beams redtop cn d supercharger work n wat mi wld affi do mi block (low comppression pistons r wah cah is 11.1.1 it deh nw)
Title: Re: Supercharger, sport spoiler, intercooler, computers ect Post by: rockstar on June 17, 2014, 10:07:28 PM wnt front mount inter cooler for wrx engine btits in a 92 legacy