Title: mitsubishi grandis o2 sensor Post by: tahj_viper on January 16, 2014, 09:08:53 AM i need this like yesterday link me up with price...4877120
Title: Re: mitsubishi grandis o2 sensor Post by: scubaman on January 21, 2014, 01:41:06 PM WHAT YEAR Grandis?
On the Plate bolted to your firewall what is the Model of the car? For Example LRPYR1D or LRUYR1D or something like that. It uses up to 4, which one do you need? 14925, P, Q, S (http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/18/xg5r.png) those sensors are VERY expensive.... you may want to seek used one from local mitsu techs. New you are looking at 22000 to 57000 depending on the exact one you need and the vehicle model. Cant give you an exact cost without your VIN and without you identifying which ones you need. Title: Re: mitsubishi grandis o2 sensor Post by: tahj_viper on April 17, 2014, 10:32:19 AM 2005 mivec...i only see tow at the top of the exhaust manifold....its not set up with the 2 below
Title: Re: mitsubishi grandis o2 sensor Post by: scubaman on April 27, 2014, 01:07:35 PM You didnt confirm the Model / Configuration of your car which is stamped on the plate inside the engine bay mounted on the firewall.
You are looking for something like the following numbers stamped on the firewall id plate. LRUYR1D; LRUYR8 LRPYR1D; LRPYR8; If it is any of those the total cost for the pair is $17850. Title: Re: mitsubishi grandis o2 sensor Post by: willisjamaica on April 28, 2014, 12:08:14 AM i think its universal across most engine got one .....i think its the 3 wire ..would check in morning n tell u.... by d way why change vehicle burning fuel poorly?