Title: FCF - Aug.21-09 : Comment to Win LIME/DIGI/CLARO Winners Post by: ShopinJA.com on August 21, 2009, 06:30:04 PM Thanks to all who made a comment, by making a comment you were entered in a Draw which made you eligible to Win LIME $200 Mobile Credit And the 4 winners chosen who will each win $200 LIME mobile credit (http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww203/ShopinJA/FCF/LIMEwin8-21a.png) (http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww203/ShopinJA/FCF/LIMEwin8-21b.png) Jigga876 | DjInsane | reli123 | Corsa Please Contact me VIA PM (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=1) to claim your LIME mobile Credit Credit must be claimed within 4 days --- Regards, ShopinJA Post all feedbacks >>here<< (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?topic=2982.msg13328#msg13328) ******************************************************* Thanks to all who made a comment, by making a comment you were entered in a Draw which made you eligible to Win DIGI $200 Mobile Credit And the 4 winners choosen who will each win $200 DIGI mobile credit (http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww203/ShopinJA/FCF/DIGIwin8-21a.png) (http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww203/ShopinJA/FCF/DIGIwin8-21b.png) renzy | mark | Arch_Angel | peresphone Please Contact me VIA PM (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=1) to claim your DIGI mobile Credit Credit must be claimed whithin 4 days --- Regards, ShopinJA Post all feedbacks >>here<< (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?topic=2982.msg13328#msg13328) ******************************************************* Thanks to all who made a comment, by making a comment you were entered in a Draw which made you eligible to Win CLARO $200 Mobile Credit And the 4 winners choosen who will each win $200 Claro mobile credit (http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww203/ShopinJA/FCF/CLAROwin8-21a.png) (http://i720.photobucket.com/albums/ww203/ShopinJA/FCF/CLAROwin8-21b.png) Drae | mykel | MAD_A_ROAD | hitizt Please Contact me VIA PM (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?action=pm;sa=send;u=1) to claim your CLARO mobile Credit Credit must be claimed whithin 4 days --- Regards, ShopinJA Post all feedbacks >>here<< (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?topic=2982.msg13328#msg13328) FCF Part Sponsors: Bandnerd Performance Parts (http://badnerd.shopinja.com) ArchConJA (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?topic=74.msg103#msg103) If you would like to become a Part Sponsor of Free Credit Fridays please feel free to contact us >> HERE << (shopinja@cwjamaica.com?subject=FCF Sponcer) for Details and Benefits. |