Title: Unemployed and seeking a job Post by: fred on May 18, 2011, 02:19:27 PM I am currently unemployed and is seeking a Job as a Data Entry Clerk, Office Assistant, filing clerk or an Office Administrator or any other position that fits my qualification,
I have 6 cxc subjects and 2 NVQ-J certificates in Data Operations (Level 1&2) and i have over 2 years experienced. I reside in Kingston and is available for an interview at any given time. Should anyone need any additional information please feel free to Contact me @ Cell: 414-9724. LAN: 944-4135. E-mail: fr3drick.clarke@gmail.com Thank You. Title: Re: Unemployed and seeking a job Post by: fred on November 28, 2012, 01:45:27 PM :Bump: