Title: 2 mitsubishi cars scrapping...1991 lhd lancer n 89 colt Post by: kemkem on January 05, 2014, 04:16:46 PM for sale is 2 mitsubishi cars scrapping...
1991 mitsubishi lancer mirage/colt (uses the same parts)...... contact 497-7301 lots of parts in stock... windscreen, transmission, engine parts, etc... jus give him a call and work out supn. car need to go 1989 mitsubishi colt, rhd... contact 419-0426 parts already taken off the vehicle and put down... power steering pump, 4g15 engine, gearbox sold already, strut, side glass, head lamps, etc... let me know what u want parts going cheap cheap... municipal soon come take way d car, needs to go now.... come get what u need |