Title: Save 25% on gas with Xtreme fuel treatment. Post by: Seller101 on December 13, 2013, 12:30:49 PM Xtreme Fuel treatment
Visit: greensavings.mysyntek.com to order. Select direct demand and contact 5682577 to get your products if you do not have a credit card. FOUR KEY BENEFITS: 1. Increases Gas Mileage: Reduces fuel consumption resulting in increased miles per gallon. 2. Prolongs Engine Life & Reduces Engine Wear: A cleaner and more lubricated engine means longer engine life and reduced wear. 3. Improves Vehicle Performance & Horsepower: Burns more of the available BTU’s in the fuel resulting in better performance. 4. Reduces Harmful Emissions & Pollutants: Reducing harmful pollutants from the exhaust pipe results in a cleaner environment. If you want to become a distributor. Contact 5682577 |