Title: Car within $250K region Post by: Mavrick on October 21, 2013, 06:27:06 PM Preferably automatic...Swift, Starlet or Hatchback Civic...Please don't waste your time or mine I am all the way in Montego Bay and will only make a serious trip if worth it...be prepared to answer some technical questions about the car...Straight up if yuh know yuh car nuh ready nuh link mi...
Title: Re: Car within $250K region Post by: gillian35 on November 05, 2013, 10:11:20 AM I need a toyota corolla. 1998 up. Auto a/c willing to pay 350k today
Title: Re: Car within $250K region Post by: yasserwright on November 08, 2013, 04:40:56 PM I have a suzuki swift for $200,000 but its standard. -4 door -green -good condition Call me at 379-1529 Title: Re: Car within $250K region Post by: Ty_Bomb on November 19, 2013, 01:10:31 PM 1992 Nissan Ad Wagon (http://ineedacarjamaica.com/cars/1992-nissan-ad-wagon-driving-clean-auto-car-for-sale-jamaica/) 1995 Honda Hatchback Civic (http://ineedacarjamaica.com/cars/95-honda-hatchback-civic/) Title: Re: Car within $250K region Post by: bigz20v on November 21, 2013, 08:28:43 PM 01 sunny b15 need spray and sum touch up 250 an come fi it :Bump: