Title: 1g-gze engin no papers 40k neg Post by: ke30 on September 25, 2013, 03:49:44 PM selling a big bad superharged Toyota 1g-gze engine with supercharger wireloom and computer for 40k
it has no papers, engine was bought 15yrs ago by my dad to be placed in a mark2 but the vehicle was sold so the engine alone remained... taking up space, and over time the papers got misplaced 40k neg so make offers that u think is reasonable. also willing to scrap. head 10k. crank 10k. block 5k. supercharger 10k. computer 10k. wireloom 5k. AC compressor 5k. power steering pump 5k. alternator 5k. would trade for a old car maybe a, b12 contact 854-5896 Title: Re: 1g-gze engin no papers 40k neg Post by: JAY WIZ on September 26, 2013, 10:03:05 AM WHAT IS YOU CONTACT NUMBER, NEED THIS ENGINE!
Title: Re: 1g-gze engin no papers 40k neg Post by: ke30 on September 29, 2013, 08:31:28 AM 8545896