Title: LF: 16' 4 * 100 or 4 Lug Universal Post by: teensicle on July 11, 2013, 06:33:26 AM As the title states i'm looking for a set (4) of 16" wheels, hoping to get them in great condition or along the lines.... Would be good to get them with a similar design such as the images below. You can post images of your offers in this thread. Thanks!
(http://www.enkei.com/images/race-series/enkei_rsm9_large.jpg) (http://www.enkei.com/images/tuning/fujin-large.jpg) (https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/995713_622023491148687_962310585_n.jpg) (http://www.enkei.com/images/performance/imola_small.jpg) (http://www.konigwheels.com/core/media/media.nl?id=7612&c=275188&h=bcfd3a69b7133f18569d) (http://www.konigwheels.com/core/media/media.nl/id.7465/c.275188/.f?h=bc911b24a358e917fc19) Title: Re: LF: 16' 4 * 100 or 4 Lug Universal Post by: Jun on July 11, 2013, 10:08:54 AM I have a set selling, similar to one of the pictures you posted. You can contact me on 878-9039, i will send you pictures. Title: Re: LF: 16' 4 * 100 or 4 Lug Universal Post by: teensicle on July 12, 2013, 04:55:07 PM email pictures to ruddpe@hotmail.com
Title: Re: LF: 16' 4 * 100 or 4 Lug Universal Post by: tahj_viper on July 20, 2013, 05:25:52 PM #HONDA :cools:
Title: Re: LF: 16' 4 * 100 or 4 Lug Universal Post by: teensicle on July 21, 2013, 09:58:54 PM |