Title: SAT, CAPE and CSEC books for sale Post by: Whefert on June 14, 2013, 03:41:07 PM 1. Cracking the SAT Spanish Subject Test, 2011-2012 Edition (College Test Preparation) by Princeton Review
2. Caribbean Slavery in the Atlantic World: A Student Reader by Verene Shepherd and Hilary Beckles 3. Kaplan 12 Practice Tests for the SAT 2013 by Kaplan 4. Barron's SAT Subject Test in U.S. History by Kenneth Senter 5. The Caribbean, the Atlantic World & Global Transformation, Lectures in Caribbean Advanced Proficiency in Examinations in History 6. Oxford Spanish Dictionary by Oxford Dictionaries 7. Sociology for the Caribbean Students by Nasser Mustapha 8. Sociology: Themes and Perspectives (Haralambos and Holborn) by Michael Haralambos 9. The Nassi-Levy Spanish: The Nassi-Levy Spanish Workbook (2nd year) (Spanish Edition) by Stephen L. Levy and Robert J. Nassi 10. CXC/CAPE History Syllabus 11. CXC/CAPE Law Syllabus 12. CXC/CAPE Spanish Syllabus 13. CXC/CAPE Sociology Syllabus 14. CAPE PAST PAPERS Spanish 2010-2011 15. CAPE PAST PAPERS Communication Studies 2010-2011 16. Caribbean Studies for CAPE Examinations: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Jennifer Mohammed 17. CXC/CAPE PAST PAPER Sociology 2010-2011 18. CXC/CAPE PAST PAPERS History 2010-2011 19. Al Tanto! - Nueva Edicion by David Mee and Mike Thacker 20. El Llano en llamas by Juan Rulfo (Spanish version) 21. El coronel no tiene quien le escriba by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Spanish Version) Title: Re: SAT, CAPE and CSEC books for sale Post by: Whefert on July 06, 2013, 01:09:13 PM :Bump:
+++ :Bump: |