Title: RADIO flyer kids Tricycle for sale 4k and 6k Post by: theo.taz on May 31, 2013, 04:47:31 PM :ex: Radio Flyer Big bike(tricycle) for sale
The age range is 2 to 7 years old :ex:They were purchased from a Walmart in Florida The red one which is for boys is out of box but never been used it costs 4k there is a pink one for girls brand new in box it costs 6k They are extremely durable I sold one to a kid in St. Mary and it has yet to break down The wheels and pedals are connected via chrome bars and everything else is hard plastic Link me at 568-3907 if interested location Half Way Tree (http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w675/theotaz/YARD%20SALE/IMG_0201_zps0b7717d2.jpg) (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/theotaz/media/YARD%20SALE/IMG_0201_zps0b7717d2.jpg.html) (http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w675/theotaz/YARD%20SALE/IMG_0200_zpsc209f6a3.jpg) (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/theotaz/media/YARD%20SALE/IMG_0200_zpsc209f6a3.jpg.html) (http://i1335.photobucket.com/albums/w675/theotaz/YARD%20SALE/IMG_0200_zpsc209f6a3.jpg) (http://s1335.photobucket.com/user/theotaz/media/YARD%20SALE/IMG_0200_zpsc209f6a3.jpg.html) :tup: ps. its the perfect birthday gift |