Title: Canon Powershot (ELPH 300HS) Post by: knightdeedee on May 15, 2013, 01:54:06 PM Used for like a Month, however not even a scratch on it.
CLean Black, comes with box and all accessories. (+ 8GB Memory card) ** Enclosure Color -Black Resolution -12.1 megapixels Optical Sensor Type -CMOS Total Pixels -12,100,000 pixels Optical Sensor Size -1/2.3" Zoom 5x Price- 12k Firm / Make Offers Call or Text for more info. 4590825 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Canon Powershot (ELPH 300HS) Post by: Maverick$ on May 15, 2013, 11:12:55 PM make an offer eh? 3g
Title: Re: Canon Powershot (ELPH 300HS) Post by: knightdeedee on May 16, 2013, 12:26:47 AM What 3g?? (Iphone? nah) thxx tho
+++ :Bump: :Bump: Title: Re: Canon Powershot (ELPH 300HS) Post by: knightdeedee on May 18, 2013, 10:28:40 AM :sold: :sold: :sold: :sold: