Title: ACER ASPIRE 3620 - ($14,000.00) GOOD CONDITION Post by: Di Maestro on February 08, 2011, 05:22:52 PM I have for sale an Acer Aspire Laptop in Good Working Condition. Call 565 - 5018
1.7GHZ Processor 80GB Hard Drive 1 GB RAM Microsoft Windows XP Loaded Available To Deliver Anywhere In Kingston & St. Andrew $14,000.00 Firm. I don't like negotiating but you can feel free to try me. (876) 565-5018. May Also Be Willing To Trade Title: Re: ACER ASPIRE 3620 - ($14,000.00) GOOD CONDITION Post by: mark on February 19, 2011, 10:23:59 PM any pics and is there any problems with it currently?
+++ any pics and is there any problems with it currently? and wat else u get with it? Title: Re: ACER ASPIRE 3620 - ($14,000.00) GOOD CONDITION Post by: hairyalmighty on March 02, 2011, 02:44:03 PM add some pics nuh yute, mi av d money but mi waah see it...