Title: 15" Universal Chrome Rims, 5 lug #2647811 Post by: Manley on April 21, 2013, 03:47:39 AM 15" Chrome Rims, 5 lug.
Tires are not included due to wear and tear Will trade with cash for 16" or 17" (preferably black & chrome design with tires included) Contact #: 264-7811 Title: Re: 15" Universal Chrome Rims, 5 lug #2647811 Post by: BLACKTOPP on July 23, 2013, 05:49:20 AM :wb: :sh: :sh:need to see pics
Title: Re: 15" Universal Chrome Rims, 5 lug #2647811 Post by: BLACKTOPP on July 24, 2013, 03:07:56 PM :sh: will these work call me 877-2288
or post your number [attachment deleted by admin] |