Title: FS: Combo Deal Post by: bawn_jamaican on January 29, 2011, 09:22:34 PM I have a used laptop (1 year old) for sale along with a brand new, in box, 12MP digital camera. Items can be bought individually but i'd rather sell them as a deal.
Interested person feel free to contact me using any of the following should you have any questions or want the items: 377-5710(Digi) || 774-1812(Lime) || 499-6568(Claro) || 965-7155(Landline) || Ralph.sales@gmail.com The Condition Of the Laptop is as follows: (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l13/bawn_jamaican/P1010002Zoomed.jpg) (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l13/bawn_jamaican/P1010007.jpg) (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l13/bawn_jamaican/P1010008.jpg) (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l13/bawn_jamaican/P1010012.jpg) You can read the specs thoroughly here (http://bizsupport1.austin.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?objectID=c01627964&lang=en&cc=us&taskId=101&prodSeriesId=3795232&prodTypeId=321957) the only difference is my laptop comes with 3GB of memory. The camera is as follows: (http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l13/bawn_jamaican/T100BLU-1.jpg) The Specifications for the camera can be read here (http://www.olympusamerica.com/cpg_section/product.asp?product=1491&page=specs) Individually (Negotiable): Laptop: $40,000 || Camera: $14,500 Combo Price: $47,000 :b: :2t: :dance: Title: Re: FS: Combo Deal Post by: bawn_jamaican on February 05, 2011, 03:22:52 PM :Bump: BOTH ITEMS ARE STILL AVAILABLE AND ALL PRICES ARE NEGOTIABLE SO FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME TO DISCUSS IT @ 377-5710 (DIGI) || 774-1812 (LIME) || 499-6568 (CLARO) OR POST YOUR QUERIES & CONCERNS HERE.. ITEMS WILL BE DELIVERED USING TARA COURIERS. :Bump: