Title: 1996/ 1997 Toyota rav4 (2Drs) Post by: Lordhibble on February 19, 2013, 04:17:08 PM As stated, I'm searching for a 1996 or 1997 Toyota Rav4; 2 doors.
I'm leaning more to the side of a stick shift but I'll also consider an auto. MUST: -Air Condition -Papers in Order -Driving and Proper working condition -Air Bags -Clean.... and can I stress more on clean -Nuh F**kry!.... naave nuh time to waste I have $420k. We can negotiate based on whats presented :ras: Title: Re: 1996/ 1997 Toyota rav4 (2Drs) Post by: Lordhibble on February 24, 2013, 09:12:33 AM :Bump:
Title: Re: 1996/ 1997 Toyota rav4 (2Drs) Post by: whitesnake on May 07, 2013, 04:14:39 PM HAVE A 2000 MITSUBISHI PAJERO
IO FOR SALE. 5spd manual, 18" mag rims, new spray job LINK ME FOR DETAILS 391-6313 OR 579-8828 Title: Re: 1996/ 1997 Toyota rav4 (2Drs) Post by: matthewr on May 19, 2013, 02:28:01 PM have a rav4 link mi its for 470,000 1994 and standard to. contact me 905 4378