Title: NISSAN CEFIRO, ALTIMA & MAXIMA PARTS FOR SALE - VQ20 Post by: delroys on February 08, 2013, 05:23:16 PM Parts fit Nissan Cefiro, Maxima, Altima VQ20 Engine.Parts available are:- AC Compressor, Ignition Coil Packs, Power Steering Pump, Fly-wheel & Pulley, Injectors, Oil Pan etc.
Quality items - but reasonably priced ... like giving away - I have no use for them now, so come & get them. Contact: (876)817-9793 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: NISSAN CEFIRO, ALTIMA & MAXIMA PARTS FOR SALE - VQ20 Post by: Gasguzzler on March 26, 2013, 12:21:01 AM how much for the ignition coil packs? what else might you have???
Title: Re: NISSAN CEFIRO, ALTIMA & MAXIMA PARTS FOR SALE - VQ20 Post by: delroys on March 26, 2013, 06:10:59 PM I will take $3000 a piece, bearing in mind that these are genuine used parts. The non-genuine new ones cost over $7500 a piece. It is only the items advertised that I have. I had a Cefiro and had the engine changed, so I was left with these unwanted parts.