Title: computer software repairs... Post by: hairyalmighty on December 09, 2010, 02:43:34 PM if your Desktop PC or your Laptop is giving you problems please contact me.
the best results are guaranteed. Service charge: to re - load operating system on Desktop $2,500.00 Laptop $3,000.00 to remove virus $1,000.00 package: Desktop: Operating system - $2,500.00 Microsoft Office Pro $1,000.00 Antivirus $ 500.00 Laptop: Operating system - $3,000.00 Microsoft Office Pro $1,000.00 Antivirus $ 500.00 any other software needed will be at a minimum cost of $200.00 I also do hardware repairs. The cost for hardware repairs will depend on the problem. Looking forward to doing business with you. Contact: Digicel: 1-876-889-5171 Lime : 1-876-830-2323 Claro : 1-876-594-5944 |