Title: 15.4" macbook immac condition Post by: STATIcK on December 05, 2010, 09:14:07 AM 15.4" macbook immac condition
dont remember most of the specs, cuz im selling for my bregin who is a technician at utech. i know it can go up to 8gb in memory, and it has 2gb mem in it currently,web cam the full works, my bregin might through in an upgrade with sale if the buyer wants. price $80,000 firm laptop can be viewed at utech mon-friday at the electronic store on campus for info contact me at 397-1478 will take some pics in the week Title: Re: 15.4" macbook immac condition Post by: SHAKMIZSTER on December 14, 2010, 11:56:29 AM :Bump: