Title: White iPhone 4s 16gb 38k sale or trade look nuh Post by: mclace on January 01, 2013, 03:43:41 PM As the topic states I have a white iPhone 4s selling for 38k. Phone is fully unlocked to lime. It comes with 3 cases, VGA cable, USB/charger. Would trade for a Samsung galaxy s2 and 7k or a Samsung galaxy note. Must come with charger/USB. If interested text or call 3742837 :cools:
I am posting from the phone it self, that's why no pics +++ :Bump: Title: Re: White iPhone 4s 16gb 38k sale or trade look nuh Post by: walkeroral on January 02, 2013, 09:46:33 PM Trade you a BB Torch 2, White 8/10 condition with 2 cases (Pink & Blue) and maybe some cash?