Title: MINT FACTORY UNLOCKED APPLE IPHONE 4S - BLACK - 32GB Post by: spongeman on January 01, 2013, 10:10:18 AM DuCross Wireless Solutions
FORSALE OR TRADE IS A UNLOCKED AT&T IPHONE 4S BLACK 32GB INCLUDED FACTORY UNLOCKED APPLE IPHONE 4S 32GB - BLACK USD CABLE AC ADAPTER EARPHONES SCREEN PROTECTOR CONTACT 850-6330 PRICE: 43K [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: MINT FACTORY UNLOCKED APPLE IPHONE 4S - BLACK - 32GB Post by: walkeroral on January 02, 2013, 09:52:57 PM Trade you a BB Torch 2, White 8/10 condition with 2 cases (Pink & Blue) and maybe some cash?