Title: Used HP Pavillion dv5 Notebook PC for SALE or TRADE Post by: joviep on November 20, 2010, 09:22:07 PM As subjects states.."Used HP Pavillion dv5 Notebook PC for SALE or TRADE"...
Trade MUST b of value & therefore be reasonable. Real pictures on the way but its the same type (look)....three (3) defects with the laptop; 1. "A" button missing from the keypad and 2. Charger was fixed so its obvious due to tape etc on the charger box (housing) 3. Needs a new battery... Outside of that, it runs smooth, has alot of memory and screen every is perfect! Need some quick cash so im selling ma baby(laptop)! SPECS----->>> Total Memory 4.00 GB Processor Name Intel (R) Pentium (R) Dual CPU T3200 @ 2.00 GHz (2000MHz) Keyboard revision 02.20 link mi in ma inbox if interested in price for sale or trade.....price @ present is 50k neg Title: Re: Used HP Pavillion dv5 Notebook PC for SALE or TRADE Post by: mykel on November 20, 2010, 10:31:44 PM laptop that needs a new battery have lost its portability which it the primary factor of a laptop
need a NEW charger, period. price needs to be adjusted big time if u need this to sell how u get the A button to press currently? Title: Re: Used HP Pavillion dv5 Notebook PC for SALE or TRADE Post by: TWYZT on November 21, 2010, 11:20:07 AM lol true so true
+++ would love it asap but price need depre Title: Re: Used HP Pavillion dv5 Notebook PC for SALE or TRADE Post by: joviep on November 21, 2010, 07:17:15 PM LAPTOP NO LONGER FOR SALE!!!! :) Thanks for your interest tho guys...