Title: WTB: 1999- 2000 Honda Civic Sedan Post by: spacial_fx on December 03, 2012, 07:58:32 PM Cash In Hand and Ready to do the business
Needed immediately 1999-2000 Honda Civic Sedan Standard Preffered All the features... AC, Rime Powered ETC Budget:500-550k 258-7785 Title: Re: WTB: 1999- 2000 Honda Civic Sedan Post by: bry2rosh on December 14, 2012, 10:11:01 AM Have a link to a very clean sedan.........Just painted, tsw rims with new tires 205/50/15, lowering springs all around, fully stock machine, lady driven, recently serviced, tinted, bumper lights...............call 434-6250 if ur serious n we can arrange for u to view the vehicle.