Title: Suzuki Swift HB (93-95) Post by: spacial_fx on November 10, 2012, 02:01:14 AM Seeking a clean Suzuki Swift
Hatchback Auto/ Tranny Doesnt matter AC Is a plus Good Tyres Rims a Plus 4 or 2 door doesn't matter No outrageous price 248-7785 Title: Re: Suzuki Swift HB (93-95) Post by: emhibee on November 10, 2012, 03:14:36 PM mi have one a go for 160 A/C power windows and central locking u want to c picz looks good
Title: Re: Suzuki Swift HB (93-95) Post by: Kenneth Miller on November 27, 2012, 06:27:00 PM i have a 1993 Toyota Lexus GS 300 if u interested check it out 1993 Toyota Lexus GS 300 for 230k or trade with 130k (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?topic=163696.msg373505#msg373505)