Title: Mitsubishi Evolution / Subaru WRX Post by: Freeze2ice on November 06, 2012, 11:20:31 AM Hey people, I am looking a Mitsubishi Evolution 7 - 8, or a Subaru WRX 2003 - 2005.
The things is that the bank is willing to give $1,000,000 Million loan, and the client is willing to work out something regarding the balance with the seller. If anyone out there is willing to assist with this, please contact me via call or text #378-6548. Title: Re: Mitsubishi Evolution / Subaru WRX Post by: Kenneth Miller on November 27, 2012, 06:28:23 PM i have a 1993 Toyota Lexus GS 300 if u interested check it out 1993 Toyota Lexus GS 300 for 230k or trade with 130k (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?topic=163696.msg373505#msg373505)