Title: Ghett Out Post by: jason_200 on October 11, 2010, 09:54:31 PM 3 tickets $1000 each call gregory 889-2745
On July 30, 2010 Stages Productions open it's summer play Ghett Out to a packed house. The fans of Shebada, Maxwell and ABigail Grant and Maylenne Lowe were in stiches enjoying every moment of this great play. Other cast members include Orville Hall, Luke Ellington, and ...Junior Williams provided the supporting rolls to make this play a favourite among the summer productions. To catch Ghett Out and it's bellyful of laughter and drama you need to visit the playhouse @ Green Gables Theatre which is located@ 6 Cargill Ave. Kingston 10. Ghett Out plays Wednesdays through Saturdays @ 8:30pm and 5& 8:30pm on Sundays. And don't forget to visit our Monday night Karaoke right here every Monday on the grounds of Green Gables Theatre (http://www.stagesjamaica.com/images/stories/passa%20passa%20fl.jpg) |