Title: Profit Clicking Invest get Paid Post by: huzzle101 on October 21, 2012, 11:08:23 AM This company has been around since 2004 where it was called JustBeenPaid it was this year then bought by profitclicking the owner of JustbeenPaid decided it was time to retire, the premise is simple they give you a free 10 dollars to start and you can further invest with 10 dollars or more of your own. The 10 dollars will buy you what they call positions each position earns you 20c Monday to Friday and 10c on Saturday on Sunday. The more you invest the quicker you earn back your money and gain profit. To earn the money you just have to make sure to view 3 ad a day, these ads are posted by members just like yourself. You can advertise 3 websites yourself to promote your own business.
Check it out just click here and sign up to get started : http://www.profitclicking.com/?r=sqZ6YQiHl1 :gt: :zz: |