Title: A automatic 95 or 94 Police Shape under $450,000. Post by: Turbo1 on October 10, 2012, 04:12:33 PM Know any? Call me at 871-8000. western Jamaica.
Title: Re: A automatic 95 or 94 Police Shape under $450,000. Post by: Unstable on November 21, 2012, 01:54:35 PM I have a Auto 4 Door Police Shape. Recently and still being sprayed. Not a cheap spray job, Total cost was $90,000 so car will look brand new when it is completed. Can be vied on hagley park road, kingston. Interior is immaculate. Power windows, rims, Automatic, RHD. 371-0942
Spray job going look good, body Straight as a arrow... man them know dem thing ad fi dem breed a money them have to correct any forms of mistake. Title: Re: A automatic 95 or 94 Police Shape under $450,000. Post by: Kenneth Miller on November 27, 2012, 06:21:15 PM i have a 1993 Toyota Lexus GS 300 if u interested check it out 1993 Toyota Lexus GS 300 for 230k or trade with 130k (http://shopinja.com/forum/index.php?topic=163696.msg373505#msg373505)