Title: Lincoln 80 Gallon Air compressor - $175k Post by: Lance_F on August 24, 2012, 09:22:00 AM Here's a new Lincoln air compressor with a huge 80 Gallon tank and a 7.5hp Baldor motor.
That's high capacity and high output!! All for $175k. That's cheaper than it would cost just to buy it in the states. See pics below and specs for the motor. Call Lance at 859-5101 or Mickey 292-3743/344-7946 Specifications: M3311T SPEC. NUMBER: 36B103T848H1 CATALOG NUMBER: M3311T FL AMPS: 21.7-20/10 208V AMPS: -- BEARING-DRIVE-END: 6207 BEARING-OPP-DRIVE-END: 6205 DESIGN CODE: A DOE-CODE: 010A FL EFFICIENCY: 88.5 ENCLOSURE: OPSB FRAME: 213T HERTZ: 50 INSULATION-CLASS: B KVA-CODE: J SPEED [rpm]: 1750 OUTPUT [hp]: 7.5 PHASE: 3 POWER-FACTOR: 79 RATING: 40C AMB-CONT SERIAL-NUMBER: -- SERVICE FACTOR: 1.15 VOLTAGE: 208-230/460 [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Lincoln 80 Gallon Air compressor - $150k Post by: Lance_F on October 19, 2013, 11:46:02 AM :Bump:
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