ShopinJA Classifieds

$ ShopinJA Auto $ => Vehicle Scrapping => Topic started by: sleepy on July 17, 2012, 08:59:12 PM

Title: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: sleepy on July 17, 2012, 08:59:12 PM
1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine and transition still available  
call 4668076  :10/10:

Title: Re: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: Jezza on July 18, 2012, 03:37:26 AM
Price?  :ninja:

Title: Re: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: sleepy on July 19, 2012, 11:40:37 AM
body not selling am only selling everything else no papers :smo:
only back glass windows doors lights engine and transmission and stuff like that

Title: Re: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: Jezza on July 21, 2012, 11:58:51 PM
As in price of engine and tranny... complete :gt:

Title: Re: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: mafia D on September 10, 2012, 10:59:27 AM
how much u want for the engine an tranny ...

Title: Re: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: jaedesignz on September 10, 2012, 11:14:06 AM
is it lhd or rhd  8)

Title: Re: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: cool86 on October 11, 2012, 03:03:37 PM
sedan or hatch this>????

Title: Re: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: zo_salesman on October 21, 2012, 02:28:28 PM
u have nuh d series gearbox

Title: Re: 1990 Honda civic scrapping d15b engine
Post by: fabian45 on February 24, 2015, 01:35:33 AM
Gear box only 35. Call if needed 5915270 :cof: