Title: Acer Aspire One 751h (damaged but working) for sale! Post by: darkleer on July 05, 2012, 02:29:51 PM I have a used acer aspire one, 751h which i used for over a year
Amazing little netbook It fell the other day and while functional i couldn't bother to fix it so i bought a new one so im selling this one Screen is damaged as there is a line and about a quarter of the screen is not visible (blacked out) but it still works like a dream (see pics) there is also some structural damage to chassis but it works fine! (http://thumbnails10.imagebam.com/20020/57a1cb200195751.jpg) (http://thumbnails56.imagebam.com/20020/c8fdf8200195879.jpg) (http://thumbnails51.imagebam.com/20020/d5d0e1200196370.jpg) No reasonable offer will be refused text 8666854, please no calls! Title: Re: Acer Aspire One 751h (damaged but working) for sale! Post by: gmellody on July 05, 2012, 11:05:51 PM got a red ring xbox 360 to trade
Title: Re: Acer Aspire One 751h (damaged but working) for sale! Post by: darkleer on August 28, 2012, 01:00:20 PM hey guys im selling this for ONLY 6,000
so if you need a laptop that still works well and just a little piece of the screen not visible from the picture THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN! :cools: Title: Re: Acer Aspire One 751h (damaged but working) for sale! Post by: gmellody on August 28, 2012, 05:08:34 PM got a red ring xbox 360 to trade for it
Title: Re: Acer Aspire One 751h (damaged but working) for sale! Post by: ricolas on August 28, 2012, 08:39:00 PM I have a screen for this so in case the buyer needs a screen you can inbox or call 3518461 :2t:
Title: Re: Acer Aspire One 751h (damaged but working) for sale! Post by: mr. reliable on August 29, 2012, 01:01:40 AM yoooooooooo........need this asap...link me at 4619698......and d person with d screen link me to