Title: Still looking Post by: bearpound on June 28, 2012, 12:23:44 AM Need 2 flat screen monitor 15"- 17", I am using it for repairs, no ridiculous prices please any condition.
I have $10,000 looking perfectly working DDR2 laptop $5000- 8000 without hard drive or memory as long as i am getting it cheap and its PERFECTLY WORKING!!!!!!! At less 15 Square screen or 15.4 wide screen size. Preferred brand and models: RM Fujitsu Dell B130 HP 550 IBM T61 Would take a Hp ze2000 I am looking some 18X24 picture/poster Frames, anybody know where i can get these items. :H: Anybody closing a store selling out items, link me. #371-5367 Title: Re: Still looking Post by: bearpound on July 01, 2012, 08:56:49 AM :Bump: