Title: 800,000 JMD Personal Loan Needed – Angel Investor Post by: skuiimedialab on February 19, 2023, 11:20:42 PM 800,000 JMD Personal Loan Required – Angel Investor
To cut a long story short, A young adult male seeks to borrow $800,000 for 16 months if possible at the standard interest rate. Repayment would be done monthly in instalments. I have an emergency situation where I need to pay off my existing debts and repossess my motor vehicle. Life happened, I made some bad investment choices, and I'm looking for the opportunity to correct my mistakes. Please help and direct me in the right direction if possible. P.S. I have already approached banks and microfinance institutions, but they have either limited the amount I require or, in some cases, my tenure is only 10 months. |