Title: F.S Mitsubishi 4G92 1600 Engine & Gearbox - $120,000.00 Post by: dpgtradingjm on June 13, 2012, 10:21:23 AM Came out a totaled 1998 Lancer GLXi
Therefore engine and gearbox comes with everything for a conversion or upgrade. 4G92 1600cc Complete Engine & Gearbox Complete Price: 120k Location: Montego Bay Contact: 482-8139 Title: Re: F.S Mitsubishi 4G92 1600 Engine & Gearbox - $120,000.00 Post by: klassic on November 09, 2012, 05:10:33 AM u still have this?
Title: Re: F.S Mitsubishi 4G92 1600 Engine & Gearbox - $120,000.00 Post by: Freeze2ice on November 29, 2012, 04:31:45 PM Send some pics of this to a.vasciannie@gmail.com
Title: Re: F.S Mitsubishi 4G92 1600 Engine & Gearbox - $120,000.00 Post by: willisjamaica on January 07, 2013, 10:42:08 PM is this mivec???
Title: Re: F.S Mitsubishi 4G92 1600 Engine & Gearbox - $120,000.00 Post by: VENOM17 on January 28, 2013, 05:40:03 PM price for gearbox and gearbox stuff ? :woot: :dr:
Title: Re: F.S Mitsubishi 4G92 1600 Engine & Gearbox - $120,000.00 Post by: rayvas on February 26, 2013, 09:27:32 PM i am looking a idle servo motor for that type of engine, the servo motor is the thing on the throttle body with 3 screw hold it on. would you sell me call me 391-6755
Title: Re: F.S Mitsubishi 4G92 1600 Engine & Gearbox - $120,000.00 Post by: lazarus on April 07, 2013, 02:06:30 AM How is the engine positioned? Pics please