Title: FS Honda Civic FD2 Type R stock wheels and suspension Post by: 20valve on August 03, 2021, 10:37:32 AM FS Honda Civic FD2 Type R Stock wheels (white) in very good condition. 18x7 5x114.3 and set of stock suspension complete with shocks and springs.
Tel: 876-371-1292 Title: Re: FS Honda Civic FD2 Type R stock wheels and suspension Post by: 20valve on September 29, 2021, 08:36:52 AM FS Honda Civic FD2 Type R Stock wheels (white) in very good condition. 18x7 5x114.3 and set of stock suspension complete with shocks and springs. wheels :sold:...Suspension still availableTel: 876-371-1292 |