Title: SR20 ENGINE AND OTHER PARTS FOR SALE Post by: drexandre on April 26, 2021, 08:14:39 AM as topic started
Engine complete with wireloom and ecu $80,000 with transmissiion $ 100,000 Starter $7000 Alternator $8000 Distributor $9000 Ecu Air Flow meter $5000 Transmission $25,000 4wd $45,000 U14 $40,000 Title: Re: SR20 ENGINE AND OTHER PARTS FOR SALE Post by: fashionman19 on September 18, 2022, 10:02:05 PM as topic started Engine complete with wireloom and ecu $80,000 with transmissiion $ 100,000 Starter $7000 Alternator $8000 Distributor $9000 Ecu Air Flow meter $5000 Transmission $25,000 4wd $45,000 U14 $40,000 Send a contact number |