Title: Gaming PC For PARTS-MB, PSU, case&pcu left - PRICE DROP Post by: patrick33 on April 24, 2021, 11:15:04 PM Let's get right into specs!!!
Specifications Processor: i5-7600k @ 3.80ghz - Max 4.20ghz (4 core-LGA1151, comes with FAN) - 20k neg Ram: Motherboard: Asus Rog Maximus VIII Hero Alpha (Motherboard has built-in Bluetooth, Wifi, USB 3.1 one-click overclock, etc etc etc) - 18k neg Contact: 876-648-8851 (Preferably Whatsapp since my signal in and out for my phone). [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Gaming/High-Mid End Pc For PARTS Post by: patrick33 on April 28, 2021, 01:28:04 PM :Bump:
Title: Re: Gaming/High-Mid End Pc For PARTS Post by: patrick33 on May 10, 2021, 04:05:15 PM :Bump:
Title: Re: Gaming PC For PARTS-MB, PSU, case&pcu left - PRICE DROP Post by: patrick33 on June 02, 2021, 09:50:46 AM :Bump: