Title: ECOTRIC Electric Powerful Bicycle 26“ Fat Tire Bike Post by: bigdog on January 18, 2021, 06:26:37 PM CONTACT: KIRK 876-828-3629 OR WHATSAPP $950USD NEGOTIABLE Hybrid bicycle , free heart! *Change the way you travel, Leave behind the problem of traffic jam, travel without carbon, protect the green earth.Say goodbye to the crowded bus, enjoy the individual independent space, enjoy the city scenery, let the travel more free *Change the way you ride, Hybrid cycling, pedal assist or walk assist model ,let the ride be whatever you want *Change your sports way, say goodbye to the excuse of no time to exercise, travel is a sport, say goodbye to the reason of no sports place, the road is a sports place. Go for an outing, go for a tour, across the city and over the mountains, it's easy to be there.Along with it, you'll find the fun of exercise and keep your body and mind healthy. [attachment deleted by admin] |