Title: fs: toshiba laptop 15k (miss 3 keys) Post by: Lanza on October 28, 2020, 12:09:58 PM the mini pc is a dell inspiron 3646
celeron dual core 4gb ram 500gb hdd asking 18k :sold: :sold: the toshiba laptop is a core 2 duo :sold: :sold: 4gb ram 120gb hdd missing the left shift , control keys along with the S key. the keyboard is on amazon for $18 but i cant wait 3 weeks so asking 15k Title: Re: fs: dell mini pc 18k / toshiba laptop 15k (miss 3 keys) Post by: Lanza on November 03, 2020, 01:33:01 PM :Bump: :Bump: price drop :10/10: