ShopinJA Classifieds

$ ShopinJA Electronics $ => New Cellular Telephones => Topic started by: jblood on September 19, 2020, 10:24:32 AM

Title: brand new laptops and phones for sale! cheap!
Post by: jblood on September 19, 2020, 10:24:32 AM
brand new laptops and phones for sale! competitive cheap prices!   if interested call whatsapp text 8764589574

brand new laptops comes in box with accessories

used laptops in mint condition comes with a brand new backpack or sleeves

CALL, COMMENT BELOW OR DM for discounts, specs and prices

 if interested call whatsapp text 8764589574

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Title: Re: brand new laptops and phones for sale! cheap!
Post by: jblood on October 03, 2020, 10:05:10 AM
 :10/10: :Bump: